Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Many people mistakenly believing that the name comes from the word Hamburger "Ham", but actually the name comes from the city of Hamburg in Germany, where this food comes from.

From the second largest city in Germany is a lot of people who emigrated to America and spread it over burgers.

Just a coincidence that the word "[ham]" which in English means that the bacon has a similar sound with a hamburger, a hamburger does not contain facts Ham (although there are also restaurants that add sliced Ham on their burgers to add flavor).

Hamburger (or often referred to as a burger) is a type of food in the form of round bread sliced in half and filled with patty in the midle, usually made from meat, and vegetables of lettuce, tomatoes and onions. For the sauce, burgers were given various types of sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup and chili sauce and mustard.

Some variants also have a burger with cheese, pickles, and other supplementary materials such as sausage and Ham.

So it literally can be concluded that the meaning of the word hamburger means "food that comes from Hamburg" and not mean "food containing Ham".

But in practice, burgers or hamburgers more often interpreted as a sandwich or other type of sandwich round.

In community said burgers are more attached to the type of food than the origin and creator of the burger.

Now that a lot of hamburgers sold by a network of fast-food restaurants in various countries, but the most famous of all the restaurants that sell hamburgers in the world is McDonalds with their Big Mac, Burger King, A & W and Wendy's.

Burger consumption worldwide is very popular because of the delicious taste and practicality, a hamburger can be eaten as he was taken to walk, but it was a hamburger commercials on television broadcasts, often imaging hamburgers as food in accordance with modern times and that demand was increasing.


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