Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Pecel is the typical food from Madiun East Java Indonesia made of vegetable stew of spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, basil, leaves turi, krai (a type of cucumber) or other vegetables are served with a sauce poured pecel.

The concept is similar pecel dish with a salad for the Europeans, which is fresh vegetables flushing with mayonnaise topping. And pecel topping sauce.

The main ingredient of chilli pecel is peanuts and cayenne pepper mixed with other ingredients such as lime leaves, onion, sour Java, pepper and salt.

Pecel often served with peanut peanut brittle, peanut brittle plates of shrimp or rice. Also pecel also usually served with warm white rice plus chicken. Could serve in a plate or in a folded leaf called pincuk. These dishes like gado-gado, although there are differences in the materials used.

The spicy taste of pecel that sting became characteristic of this dish.

In many region in Java - Indonesia, pecel often laced with ingredients (vegetables) that smells stimulate. Among them, sprinkled with seeds or chopped flowers Lamtoro Etlingera (Nicolaia spp.) That have been steamed.

Pecel names have different meanings in the Indoensian place.. like Slawi, Tegal, Central Java. Pecel not presented in the form of vegetables, but the shape of rujak.

Pecel version Slawi area consists of fresh fruits such as guava, pineapple, papaya, and mango and doused with a thick brown sugar sauce.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Safe Plastic Symbols For Food

In everyday life the plastic has a very important role. Usually encountered as a plastic packaging containers, beverage bottles, furniture, toys. But did you know that not all plastics safe? How to identify a safe plastic? What is the Safe Plastic Symbols For Food?

In general, plastics are classified into 2 kinds of Thermoset and Thermoplastics. Thermoset is a type of plastic that can not be recycled such as melamine, electrical equipment (switches, sockets, etc.). While Thermoplastics are the types of plastic can be recycled as food wrappers, bags plastic, toys (Polyethylene), toys (Polyethylene), etc..

One of good advantages of plastic, is strong, lightweight, flexible, corrosion resistant, heat insulation / electrical good, can also be easily formed to various functions and easy to be color. But besides that, the weakness is also quite a lot of plastic. Some types of plastic can not stand the heat conditioned and include it takes tens to hundreds of years to decompose naturally. Even if not used according to its function, the chemicals contained therein could endanger health.

Therefore, it's very important to know what must be considered to identify a safe plastic containers primarily for the food?

Specially, if you were daily working with food, cooking, culinary, having a cooking courses, cooking class or even if you are just a food addict, culinary addict or food lovers.

Now to select the container of food and beverage packaging is safe is simple enough. This can be seen from standard symbols issued by security authorities institutions, such as the FDA (Food & Drugs Administration), EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), SPI (Society of Plastic Industry).

Then, what symbols should we know and be seen in the plastic packaging? Symbol 'Food Grade' a glass and fork symbols indicating that the container is safe to use for food and beverages. And vice versa if there is a symbol of 'Non-Food Grade' in the form of glass and fork crossed out indicate that we should avoid to use food and beverage containers.

Symbol 'microwave safe' (wavy lines) and the 'oven save' (drawing oven) indicates the containers are safe to use in the microwave and oven for resistance to high temperatures, and vice versa. Whereas the symbol 'freezers save' the image indicates that frost is safe containers used to store food and beverages in a low temperature. Other symbols as for the 'cut-save' (drawing the knife) is intended only as a safe container for cutting food materials.

Considering the price of your health and the family is more expensive and valuable than anything else, start now, please be aware of plastic!
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Many people mistakenly believing that the name comes from the word Hamburger "Ham", but actually the name comes from the city of Hamburg in Germany, where this food comes from.

From the second largest city in Germany is a lot of people who emigrated to America and spread it over burgers.

Just a coincidence that the word "[ham]" which in English means that the bacon has a similar sound with a hamburger, a hamburger does not contain facts Ham (although there are also restaurants that add sliced Ham on their burgers to add flavor).

Hamburger (or often referred to as a burger) is a type of food in the form of round bread sliced in half and filled with patty in the midle, usually made from meat, and vegetables of lettuce, tomatoes and onions. For the sauce, burgers were given various types of sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup and chili sauce and mustard.

Some variants also have a burger with cheese, pickles, and other supplementary materials such as sausage and Ham.

So it literally can be concluded that the meaning of the word hamburger means "food that comes from Hamburg" and not mean "food containing Ham".

But in practice, burgers or hamburgers more often interpreted as a sandwich or other type of sandwich round.

In community said burgers are more attached to the type of food than the origin and creator of the burger.

Now that a lot of hamburgers sold by a network of fast-food restaurants in various countries, but the most famous of all the restaurants that sell hamburgers in the world is McDonalds with their Big Mac, Burger King, A & W and Wendy's.

Burger consumption worldwide is very popular because of the delicious taste and practicality, a hamburger can be eaten as he was taken to walk, but it was a hamburger commercials on television broadcasts, often imaging hamburgers as food in accordance with modern times and that demand was increasing.
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Pudding comes from French, Boudin which means "blood sausage", from Latin, botellus which means "little sausage".

The term used pudding to medieval Europe of the meat dishes wrapped.

Not all the puddings are sweet, suet pudding (pudding fat) is a kind of "pudding" of beef wrapped in pie dough from flour mixed with sheep fat or beef fat.

In the United Kingdom, the term "pudding" is often used for dessert made of eggs and flour, and cooked by steaming, boiling, or baking.

But now, more identical pudding as a sweet dessert.

Pudding is the name for a variety of desserts that are made from materials that boiled, steamed, or baked. Pudding term is also used for various kinds of pies containing animal fats, meat, fruit or baked goods.

Pudding is a type of dessert that has a lot of fans. If you think pudding can only be made by simply made from gelatin, you're wrong. Pudding could be made with various materials for these materials have the right character.

Pudding with raw milk (yogurt), cornstarch, tapioca, or eggs served after the first cooling. This pudding with perisa sweet chocolate, caramel, vanilla, or fruit.

Gelatinous pudding made by mixing gelatin with milk, cornstarch, or scrambled eggs.

Gelatin pudding often served with a sauce called VLA. Instant pudding powder allows people to make the pudding because it only needs to be mixed milk or hot water.

Ready to put your hand on pudding??
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Dorayaki a cake that comes from Japan. Dorayaki belong to the category of traditional Japanese cake (Wagashi) that looks a bit chubby round, consisting of two pieces of cake are held together with red bean paste.

Dorayaki has a soft texture similar to Japanese cake called Kastela for dough containing honey.

Confectionary food is very helpful to the promotion of Doraemon animated movie. Robot character Doraemon has a penchant for eating cake Dorayaki. Dorayaki sold in the bakery seemed to have been adapted to local tastes such as Dorayaki contains a mixture of chocolate and cheese.

Dorayaki also known as Obanyaki.

In Japan, Obanyaki have similar shapes with Dorayaki, cakes Obanyaki thicker than Dorayaki.

Obanyaki also usually baked in front of the buyer while Dorayaki previously roasted and sold in packaging.

At first, Dorayaki consists of only one round cookie sheet with a folded edge up slightly quadrangular. In the center was given a peanut butter cookie called azuki.

In 1914, Dorayaki cake consisting of two pieces introduced by the company using Usagiya cake batter-like dough Kastela. Dorayaki which consists of two pieces of round cake and then became popular throughout Japan.

According to a credible story, a cake named for its Dorayaki like a gong (Japanese: dora). According to another story, swordsman named Benkei Saito is the creator Musashibo Dorayaki.

Benkei suffered injuries and should be treated at home resident. After recovering, Benkei baked from a mixture of water and flour on the gong.

The result of a round cake with peanut butter and then given to those who cared for him as a thank you. There are still some other stories about the origins of Dorayaki so hard to make sure stories are most correct.

But one thing for sure, Doraemon still love it!! Forever!!
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Ice Cream

Ice cream is a frozen food made from dairy products like cream (or equivalents), combined with flavorings and sweeteners. This mixture is cooled with stirring, while reducing its temperature to prevent the formation of large ice crystals.

Many versions of the beginning of the emergence of popular foods and ice cream with this title. One of them mentioned the Emperor Nero of Rome (37-68 BC) who ordered to make a meal of snow on the mountain peaks, served with fresh fruit on top.

Other references mention the actual ice cream was brought from China to Europe by King Tang of Shang, who in 618-97 BC found a method of creating ice and milk ingredients. Over time, ice cream recipes developed into a luxurious dish eaten by the able-the fashionable Italian and French royal family.

Marcopolo is believed to carry the simple recipe of ice cream to mainland Europe and America.

Until finally, the ice cream began commercialized in 1851 by Jacob Fussell in Baltimore. When the cooler was found in 1890, a growing spread of ice cream and began to sell the streets of New York and San Francisco.

Traditional, the temperature is reduced by placing the ice cream mixture into a container inserted into a mixture of cracked ice and salt.

Salt makes liquid water can be below the freezing point of pure water, making it a touch of the container thoroughly with water and ice.

Tenderness think ice cream is not only to inspire the eyes, but rocked up to the tongue. No wonder if many people who make your favorite foods. The soft texture was very soft when in the mouth, not only ice cream that can be eaten anytime during the day as the release thirst or served with a special order for dessert, ice cream is still special.

Ice cream is now available in such varied preparations.

Almost everyone, young and old, loved it!
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In simple way, the steak is the meat cut from a cow (or chicken, or fish) is then aged on by burning coal, the fuel on the flames, in the oven, or even fried.

Red meat, chicken breast and fish are often cut into steaks. Most steaks cut perpendicular to the muscle fiber, add meat taste more delicious.

Steak usually cooked by baking, though it can be fried or "broil".

Steak is generally derived from beef, cooked simply. In general, served with rice, potatoes, bread or pasta.

The process of cooking steak depends on the individual; faster cooking produces a more tender meat, and a longer cooking reduces the appearance of blood and also reduce the problem of the disease.

A number of methods have been developed to describe how their steak cooked. In order from raw to cooked: Raw - uncooked.

Steak not eaten or ordered in this form, except in special foods, like steak tartare.

Steak is very rare - Cooked very quickly; exterior burned, but the inside is not cooked just warmed. Steak will be colored red on the inside, outside the gray-brown, and red middle part and a part between the outer and middle pink.

In general, we know several kinds of steak, and of some of these kinds, the most popular if we are talking about the steak, the Tenderloin, Sirloin and T-Bone Steak.
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Spaghetti are Italian noodles that are shaped like long sticks, which are generally in 9-12 minutes to cook in boiling water al dente, which means not clinging to the teeth, not too raw or too ripe.

How to eat it varies but the most famous is the Spaghetti alla Bolognese with minced meat sauce and sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese.

Almost everyone thinks that the spaghetti is a noodle that brought back by Marco Polo on his journey from China.

But after investigation by many parties, since time immemorial The Romans are victorious from the battlefield is always eat Spaghetti. While Marco Polo returned from China in 1292.

Spaghetti is one type of pasta that has been known by the Italians since the days of human farming about 10,000 years ago, the flour produced and processed with a little water and eggs into a dough called pasta.

Then milled into a sheet of thin-sheet, which is the parent of pasta that we know as the Lasagna. Then the newly developed species such as Fusili pasta, Penne, Tagliatelle etc..

There was a misunderstanding in understanding spaghetti. Usually, that is the kind of food spaghetti noodle sauce added a slightly sour. Actually that's shaped noodles called spaghetti, rather than the end result. Spaghetti is a type of pasta.

Well, speaking of pasta would misunderstand again. Accustomed to toothpaste, which would be used accompanying sauce called spaghetti pasta.

There are many types of pasta, for example, is the spaghetti and macaroni. Pasta noodles shaped like a circular cross section is called spaghetti. If shaped like noodles but a bit wide fettucine calls. If such pipe paralon but short name makaroni and others.

If the instant pasta is already setup, spaghetti can be ready in 30 minutes. Making of the pasta itself was not too difficult, just takes a litle extra time. Even some of Chef never made pasta spaghetti on TV in just 45 seconds.

Convenience and practicality is what makes spaghetti growing increasingly popular and enjoyed until now.
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Monday, September 21, 2009


Pizza has a long history, complicated and often uncertain which inspired much debate.

Origin of the word "pizza" is not clear, but it first appeared 997 years in Latin Middle Ages, and in Naples in the 16th century called a Galette pizza.

History of Pizza begins the moment one of the first Greek to make big dough, round and flat with a mixture of spices and oil. At that time the tomatoes has not been found, so as not to be used in the mixture.

In the 18th century, this type of bread began to be known in Italy as well as sold on the streets and markets with the name 'Pizza'. Pizza at the time did not have any toping but only as a round loaf of bread.

This bread is very easy to make and low cost, because it was mostly sold to poor people in the area of Naples, In about the year 1889, Queen Margherita, accompanied by her husband Umberto I, traveling around the Italian kingdom. At that trip, he saw a lot of people who eat large bread-shaped, round and flat, especially the farmers.

Curious, the queen ordered the guards to buy bread, it appeared that the queen loved it so every time out of the kingdom, then he would eat the bread.

This became the talk of the kingdom, because they are considered highly inappropriate for a queen to eat peasant food.

Queen Margherita ignores protest at court, he even brought a special chef Rafaelle Esposito's most famous for his pizza and hired him on the court to make a variety of pizzas according to the wishes of the queen.

Rafaelle Esposito chef make a special pizza for the queen to use a variety of toppings such as tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, fresh basil leaves and red, white and green (in accordance with the Italian flag colors).

This pizza later became the queen's favorite pizza and called the Pizza Margherita, because the Queen is very fond of pizza so she began to become very popular among the people of Italy.

After that pizza became more popular throughout Italy, and began to be enjoyed by all the famous people and to the whole world until now.
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Ketupat Lebaran

Rice with diamond shape, in Javanesse language called Kupat, mentioned that the tradition of eating Ketupat out (after) Lebaran day, which usually called the day of Raya Ketupat, referred to as Foreign Kupat tradition.

Kupat comes from Pat or Lepat (errors) and "Outside" which means the hope that people who eat Ketupat will released from their errors (mistaken).

Remind that they are independent and free from errors, so that the community is expected to forgive each other and fused together with the symbols of sin outside Kupat tradition.

Ketupat begins with making the slug. This shell is usually made close to Lebaran, and made a gang, usually by the women with the fingers of the skilled and nimble. Creation of this rollicking tone coming Lebaran, and demonstrate familiarity among residents at the time.

This makes the existence of Ketupat, as well as traditional foods, as well as the binding between the population because of the social interaction between the existing population.

Ketupat is a meal with rice content, blangket with young coconut leaf or leaves a bit yellow color. Cooking Ketupat is by boiling it.. with finalizing in coconut milk, or, if Ketupat boiled in plain water, will be served with coconut milk foods such as opor ayam.

Opor ayam is soup foods with (usually coconut milk) with chicken meat and spices such as garlic, coriander, galangal,pecan, pepper, and ginger. This menu is identical menus on Lebaran day.

In addition to opor ayam, squash Godog also suitable paired with ketupat Lebaran. Besides pumpkins, beans, and tempeh, the addition of miller ebi (dried shrimp type) contributes its own savory taste. Sambal fried potato dish, is no less seductive.

To celebrate a Happy Ied day with ketupat lebaran is a must!!
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Soul of Soto

Soto is one of Indonesian traditional foods that have penetrated everywhere. Historically, the food is estimated came from China, under the China trader earlier times a go.

Then, adapt to the influence of the original recipes Indonesia, which became one of the favorites menu to the present.

Creativity cooking process to be one key to success in making soto foods remain popular in the all-time in each generation. Food which is often represented as a cuisine menu of this East Java, the more good flushing broth.

Eat soup or "Nyoto" is a tradition that has a long history. Soto is available at small stalls in the street or shopping malls or restaurants with air conditioner. Soto is a popular food in various regions in the Indonesian archipelago, egalitarian, and across cultures.

Soto, can be enjoyed anytime of origin served hot. Want to make breakfast, lunch, or dinner it's acceptable. Gravy is not watery and really is not just gravy broth hot water.

Soto, almost every region with a characteristic of each. Like, soto ayam, Soto Kudus, soto surabaya nodes, coconut chicken soup, even the goat meat soup.

Soto usually identical to the abundant sauce .. with a clear broth with or without coconut milk, with a little chicken slice, vermicelli, bean, prouts and chopped onions and sprinkled with fried onions, fried with scallions or shellfish and deserved with satay, quail egg satay, chicken satay, fried tempe, fried shrimp satay, bergedel etc.

Soto did not just food, but our identity as a nation. He describes the diversity, character, cultural exchanges, as well as the history of Indonesian people traveling alone.

There is no definitive definition of the soup, but everyone agreed that the soto is soto, though each different area and presentation form. That every soto has a distinctive taste, which made the call soto, not meatballs, soup and so on.
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Taste of Sate (Satay)

Sate or satay or sometimes written satay foods are made from pieces of meat (chicken, goats, sheep, etc.) that cut small, and punctured into small stick that made of bamboo, then burnt using charcoal embers.

Sate is then served with various seasonings (depends on the variation recipe satay) is sometimes also found satay served with red onion.

Sate is known comes from Java, Indonesia, but satay are also popular in the countries of Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand.

Sate is also popular in the Netherlands that influenced the cuisine of Indonesia. In Japanese version is called yakitori.

Recipes and how it varied depending satay variations and recipes each region. Almost all types of meat can be made sate. As the origin country of satay, Indonesia has a variety of rich satay recipe.

Usually sate served with sauce. This sauce can be soy sauce, peanut sauce, or the other.

Satay is a kind of food that practically adequate food filling people.

Therefore sate usually eaten with warm rice or, if in some served with lontong (rice with bullet shape). Sate sometimes eaten with a ketupat (which also similar to lontong but in diamond shape).

Sate allegedly created by the street food trade in Java around the beginning the 19th century, based on the fact that satay became popular around the beginning of the century to-19 along with a growing number of Arab immigrants to Indonesia.

This also is the reason for the popularity of the use of goat meat and satay lamb as the preferred material by the citizens of Arab descent.

At the end, for medical reason.. it's recomended to consume a cucumber after eating some satay.

Are you ready for taste of satay??
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